Alabama the Beautiful | Taking Care of Our State

On April the 29th at Homewood Public Library, there was a conference led by a group of local non profit businesses that do their part to preserve & protect the environment in different ways. Here are the organizations involved: 

GASP - A Birmingham non profit organization that aims to provide healthy air by way of education, advocacy, and collaboration

Friends of Shades Creek - A non profit organization that exclusively relies on hard working locals to educate and engage the community in their effort to preserve Shades Creek

Alabama Rivers Alliance - A statewide network of groups working to protect and restore Alabama's water resources through building partnerships and empowering citizens to do their part

Citizen's Climate Lobby - A grassroots organization devoted to the enactment of laws that would directly benefit the planet

Cahaba River Society - A organization dedicated to the protection and restoration of the Cahaba river

Precious Plastic Alabama - This org is dedicated to educating people around the globe about better ways of using and disposing of plastic


Example blog post
Example blog post
Example blog post