What is... ASID and AIA?

The American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) aims to "advance the interior design profession" and give interior designers certain tools and resources to help them out along the way. If you're an interior designer, you should definitely check out the plethora of resources the ASID has for folks in your profession. (Source: ASID)

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) is a professional organization for architects in the U.S. This institute offers "education, advocacy ... and public outreach to support the architect's profession." (Source: Wikipedia | AIA) According to their website, the AIA "works to advance our nation’s quality of life and protect the public’s health, safety and welfare, as it has done for 160 years." (Source: AIA

Both the AIA and the ASID offer wonderfully helpful resources to architects and interior designers alike. 

Sources & Further Reading

“ASID.” American Society of Interior Designers, www.asid.org/.

“AIA.” AIA, www.aia.org/.

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