Different Ways to Reuse Glass Bottles

If you’re at all invested in recycling glass in Alabama, you’ve probably noticed that there’s not a lot of places that will recycle said glass for you. That’s why I want to share some of my favorite ways to upcycle old glass bottles/ products. 

1) Make candles! Obviously this one requires more than just the bottle itself, you’ll need to get your hands on some wax, a wick, and the optional fragrance oils + wax dye if you want a scented and/ or colored candle. Here’s a lovely candle someone made using a glass cup:

2) Utensil/ supply holder! Got a bunch of pens or pencils lying around? Throw ‘em in that jar that you’ve been meaning to find a use for. It doesn’t have to be writing utensils, it could be a toothbrush/ toothpaste, or a number of other things. I ‘made’ one out of this old pickle jar for my extraneous office supplies:

3) Succulent planter! Use your old glass container to house plant life. Succulents are super low maintenance, which is great for people who don’t have a green thumb. Unfortunately, I don’t have one of my own glass succulent planters, yet - so here’s a picture I found on Unsplash:

4) Make a cute vase/ decoration! Turn that old wine bottle into something really pretty to look at with those craft paints that are gathering dust in your arts and crafts closet. It doesn’t have to be craft paints, it can be something else entirely, and it definitely doesn’t have to be a vase. There are a ton of different options for incorporating old glassware into a decorative part of your living space, so I want to see you get creative with this one: 


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